Welcome to Investigo/BioTalent,
If you have applied for a role where you will work on a temporary/interim/contract assignment through Investigo, you are entitled to be fully informed about the various pay options available to you and how your take-home pay is calculated.
This page provides you with worked examples of how your take-home pay is calculated depending on which option you choose. If you are unsure about any of the detail provided please talk to your Investigo Consultant, who will be happy to assist you.
PAYE Agency Worker
A calculation using the method detailed in the following document will apply to you if you will be engaged on a PAYE basis to provide your services to one or more of our clients:
LTD Company Contractor
A calculation using the method detailed in the following documents will apply to you if you are providing your services through your own Personal Services Company (PSC) (i.e. limited company contractors).
Umbrella Worker
A calculation using the method detailed in the following documents will apply to you if you provide your services through one of the Umbrella Companies on our PSL. Each umbrella company has its own example document. These ‘preferred suppliers’ have been vetted by us and are assessed as having robust processes and procedures.
We may, at our absolute discretion, agree to engage with another umbrella company of your choosing. We require that any umbrella company we engage with is FCSA accredited. Before an assignment could start we will also need to carry out our own vetting process and obtain confirmation that a key information document has been issued.