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Recap: ‘How Advancements in Technology Are Impacting Medical Innovation’

​This week we held our fourth BioTalent Social webinar, ‘How Advancements in Technology are Impacting Medical Innovation’ with a panel of market-leading healthcare experts from a different medical firm.

The discussion explored regulations and standards impacting innovation, AI skillsets driving health to new heights of success and the challenges in digital product development. The future in technology and addressing the oncoming challenges that healthcare faces.

Our poll results concluded that 66% of the audience felt that AI was going to have the biggest impact on healthcare, followed by 18% supporting advanced surgical robotics. 11% of our audience believed advancements in AR/VR, and 5% mentioned other.

We’d like to thank our fantastic panel for all their thought-provoking views and insights, as well as our live audience, many of whom joined us for our virtual networking session. Missed the webinar? No worries - watch the video footage here:

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